Monday, December 27, 2010

ClickOnce Deployment

ClickOnce deployment enables you to publish Windows-based applications to a Web server or network file share for simplified installation.

Visual Studio provides full support for publishing and updating applications deployed with ClickOnce technology.

ClickOnce deployment is available for projects created with Visual Basic and Visual C#, but not for Visual C++.

Please refer MSDN for more details about ClickOnce deployment

Following are the steps for ClickOnce deployment:

Step 1: Create a Windows Form Application. Give name as RubberBandRectangle.

Step 2: Right click on the RubberBandRectangle project from the solution explorer and select Properties from the context menu.

Step 3: Select Publish tab.
Specify Publishing folder location. In My case I have given "F:\RubberBand Publish\" path. (This folder path must be shared)

Enter Installation Folder URL:
//MAHESHB/RubberBand%20Publish/ (In my case)

Step 4:  Click on Update and turn on Update feature by checking "The Application should check for updates"

Step 5: After you done with it Click on Publish Now button.

That's it... You have done it.

Keep smiling....

Mahesh Bagul

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