Visual Studio provides full support for publishing and updating applications deployed with ClickOnce technology.
ClickOnce deployment is available for projects created with Visual Basic and Visual C#, but not for Visual C++.
Please refer MSDN for more details about ClickOnce deployment
Following are the steps for ClickOnce deployment:
Step 1: Create a Windows Form Application. Give name as RubberBandRectangle.
Step 2: Right click on the RubberBandRectangle project from the solution explorer and select Properties from the context menu.
Step 3: Select Publish tab.
Specify Publishing folder location. In My case I have given "F:\RubberBand Publish\" path. (This folder path must be shared)
Enter Installation Folder URL:
//MAHESHB/RubberBand%20Publish/ (In my case)
Step 4: Click on Update and turn on Update feature by checking "The Application should check for updates"
That's it... You have done it.
Keep smiling....
Mahesh Bagul